EIED Gate2Success - Project Financing for Medium Private Enterprises


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EIED Europäisches Institut für Wirtschaftsförderung
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EIED became Member Organisation of  
WUSME World Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (successor of WASME)
Permanent Mission WUSME to UNIDO in Vienna established:
Permanent Repesentative: Prof. Dr. Norbert  W. Knoll - Dornhoff


right: Dr. Gian Franco Terenzi, President WUSME, left: Prof. Dr. Norbert W. Knoll-Dornhoff, General Secretary WUSME

WUSME World Union of Small and Medium Enterprises

EUROWIF unterstützt Betriebsansiedlungen in Hainburg/ Donau

Geplant: Einkaufzentrum (EKZ Hainburg) in der Innenstadt, Golf-Thermalhotel, Lösung der Verkehrsprobleme Umfahrungsstraße

Low Cost Houses from Czech Republic for Tsunami Victims
EIED Secy.-General Knoll met Mr. Martin Tlapa, Vice Minister of the Czech Ministry for Industry and Trade
On occasion of the opening ceremony of the Vienna Office of Czech Trade at the Czech Embassy on 28th January 2005, EIED Secretary General Dr. Norb W Knoll met H.E. Dipl.-Ing. Martin Tlapa, Vice Minister of the CZ Ministry for Industry and Trade and informed him about the intention of a Liechtenstein based Charity Organisation to finance Low Cost Houses madeby  the Czech Company CEWOOD for homeless people after the Tsunami desasters in South- and Southeast Asian Countries. Vice Minister Tlapa assured EIED of his assistance in this matter and advised Mr. Knoll to closely co-operate with the Vienna Office of Czech Trade.


l to r: Dipl.-Ing. Ivan Papousek, Director Vienna Office Czech Trade,
        Dr. Norb W. Knoll - Dornhoff, Secy.-General EIED
        Dipl.-Ing. Jitka Hanzlickova, Director General Czech Trade,
        Dipl.-Ing. Pavel Horak, Czech Commercial Counsellor


Photo: Dr. Elisabeth Zöckl, domus communications
PR-Betreuung Czechtrade, Tel. 587 08 60

The New Industrial Policy of the Republic of Egypt:
EIED Secy.- General Norb W Knoll met H.E. Dr. Ali Al Saiedi, Minister of Industry and H.E. Dr. Shoukry, Egyptian Ambassador in Austria, Oct 2003 in Vienna to discuss possible co-operation of EIED Member Companies with Egyptian Partners. Minister Ali Al Saiedi explained the main targets of the New Industrial Policy of Egypt: From trading to long lasting industrial partnership.

Visit of H.E. Dr. Ali Al Saiedi to Vienna, Oct. 2003