Project Finance from Austria
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Secy.-General Norb W Knoll - Dornhoff (left) receiving the Egyptian Minister of Industry, H.E. El-Saiedi and the Egyptian
Ambassador in Austria, H.E. Shoukri at EIED ´s offices in Vienna.
The Austrian Federal Government has launched a SME - enhancement programme which is presently unique in Europe: Private investors
who provide equity capital for SME can be granted 100% repayment guarantee in the event of bankruptcy (for small investments
up to EURO 20.000,-) and a 50% guarantee for investments up to EURO 1.000.000,00. The "Double Equity Fund" can provide government
guarantees for bank loans (term up to 10 years) in the amount of the equity capital available. EIED helps its Member Companies
to apply for that instruments.
As correspondents to a multiple-number of specialty lenders, we use our network of lenders and investors from our established
relationships, database and source materials to serve as commercial financing consultants for our clients, including equity
financing/seed capital and debt/equity for both corporate and real estate transactions.
EIED also has a business services division, providing professionally completed business plans and feasibility studies for
start-up companies. In addition, we can provide self-employment analysis for business start-up, and detailed written reports
encompassing all aspects of business plan recommendations.